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Packaging Design, increasingly strategic for companies and focusing on sustainability

Smart Packaging Talks Podcast Packaging Design clevertech

In this episode of our Podcast series, open mics on packaging design, told from two points of view. On one side we have a true designer guru, Marco Bonetto, and on the other Paolo Soliani, Business Developer at Clevertech, which designs and manufactures machines and systems for end-of-line automation in the packaging industry.

The importance of sustainability for packaging design

With different approaches, both speakers experience at first hand the importance of design in packaging industry, which today is increasingly linked to sustainability topics. Many companies, in order to meet their ESG goals, indeed demand specific performances, which must coexist with budget factor and a decisive holistic vision. This is not always an easy challenge, and on this challenge there are several case histories brought to light.

Another key issue is attractive communication, especially for consumer goods, which require strategic choices and follow specific trends. One product category that deserves particular attention, and which knows no crisis, is luxury, a sector that requires packaging that is never banal, with its own paradigms.


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